Vloggers Midva kuhava share their memories of Delamaris Tourist Pâté, this convenient nostalgia, with us,
“Although the times they are a changing change, some things stay the same. Even before we were kids, Delamaris’ legendary Tourist Pâté was mandatory on the beach. As soon as we started spreading it on fresh slices of bread, the entire family came to us and joined in. Eating Tourist Pâté on the beach is still a Slovenian national sport, only now it has a more modern touch in the form of convenient, mouth-watering bread rolls. But this pleasure isn’t only reserved to the beach, its rich taste now serves as a gateway to memories of long summer days throughout the year wherever we are.”

2 x 95 g
Delamaris Tourist Pâté
360 g
160 ml
2 žlice
olive oil
1 sachet of
fast-action yeast
1 tsp.
1 Tbsp.
sesame seeds
Combine flour, water, milk, olive oil, yeast and salt in a bowl, then knead for 7 minutes before covering the bowl with a damp cloth and leave in a warm place for 1 hour.
Roll the dough evenly until a thin layer has been formed, then evenly spread Delamaris’ legendary Tourist Pâté over the dough. Next, roll the dough into a long snake, then cut into 2-3 cm thick slices.
Heat oven to 200°C.
Whisk the egg and milk together, then coat the dough and pâté slices with it.
Evenly place slices on oiled baking tray, then cook for 15-20 minutes.
Difficulty level
40 min