The Dela­maris brand has been syn­ony­mous with fish prod­uct tra­di­tion since 1879. It is a guar­an­tee of qual­i­ty, safe­ty and excel­lent taste. Dela­maris is focused on sus­tain­able devel­op­ment, which ensures good qual­i­ty of life and wel­fare for present and future gen­er­a­tions. Dela­maris choos­es raw mate­ri­als of the high­est qual­i­ty and is com­mit­ted to sus­tain­able fishing. 

Dela­maris is the only Sloven­ian provider of high-qual­i­ty pre­pared fish prod­ucts using com­plete­ly nat­ur­al raw mate­ri­als. Our prod­ucts, made exclu­sive­ly from fish, veg­eta­bles and select­ed oils, are additive‑, preservative‑, gluten‑, flavour enhancer- and colour­ing-free, which is our dis­tin­guish­ing feature.




Top qual­i­ty


High qual­i­ty standards


High safe­ty standards


Above-stan­dard control


Through­out the pro­duc­tion chain


Respon­si­bil­i­ty to users








Man­age­ment Sys­tem Policy

Our Group is com­mit­ted in the long run to the qual­i­ty and safe­ty of our prod­ucts and process­es, occu­pa­tion­al health and safe­ty, and envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­tion. This is our fun­da­men­tal respon­si­bil­i­ty and employ­ee duty.

To this end, we have estab­lished a man­age­ment sys­tem based on opti­mis­ing qual­i­ty, safe­ty and envi­ron­men­tal man­age­ment, and devel­op safe, nat­ur­al, inno­v­a­tive, high-qual­i­ty prod­ucts, ser­vices and work­ing envi­ron­ments to sat­is­fy the needs of all of our stake­hold­ers. We endeav­our to offer a cre­ative and safe work­ing envi­ron­ment for our employ­ees. We proac­tive­ly encour­age and sup­port rais­ing employ­ee role aware­ness, the impor­tance of team­work, account­abil­i­ty, econ­o­my, good qual­i­fi­ca­tions and motivation.

Prod­uct safe­ty, con­trol and standards

We meet the high­est HAC­CP and Inter­na­tion­al Food Stan­dard (IFS) food safe­ty stan­dards to ensure food safe­ty and assess quality.


Haz­ard analy­ses and crit­i­cal con­trol points are Haz­ard Analy­sis and Crit­i­cal Con­trol Point (HAC­CP) man­aged as part of our wider qual­i­ty man­age­ment system.

IFS Stan­dard

Our pro­duc­tion com­plies with the inter­na­tion­al­ly estab­lished IFS stan­dards, attest­ing to our safe­ty and qual­i­ty com­pli­ance with the most com­plex and exhaus­tive glob­al cri­te­ria, that is IFS Food, which is intend­ed for com­pa­nies that pro­duce and pack food.

Sus­tain­able fishing

Dela­maris empha­sis­es source qual­i­ty: our prod­ucts con­tain no arti­fi­cial­ly-bred fish and we don’t exploit the sea because we prac­tise and sup­port sus­tain­able fishing.


Why do cans enable long shelf lives?

Our her­met­i­cal­ly-sealed cans are water, gas and microor­gan­ism resis­tant, and ster­ilised in auto­claves to pro­tect con­tent against dete­ri­o­ra­tion, as con­tent is vir­tu­al­ly ster­ile. This is why there is no need to add preser­v­a­tives. Cans are heat­ed to tem­per­a­tures above 100°C dur­ing the ster­il­i­sa­tion process and the nutri­tive val­ue of canned food is vir­tu­al­ly the same as fresh food.

What kinds of fish do Dela­maris prod­ucts con­tain?

We main­ly use four types of fish, name­ly sar­dines, mack­er­el, tuna fish and anchovy:

Mack­er­el (Lat. Scomber spp.), used for prod­ucts that com­bine fish and veg­eta­bles, in fil­let form or in our Tourist pâté, is a blue fish caught all over the world. It has a slen­der, stream­lined body and deeply forked tail; its bel­ly is sil­ver and its body is cov­ered in very small scales. Feed­ing main­ly on sar­dines, mack­er­el shoals are usu­al­ly found close­ly fol­low­ing large shoals of sar­dines and oth­er small fish, so fish­er­men usu­al­ly catch them togeth­er. Mack­er­el form large shoals close to the sea sur­face. Because they are caught in large quan­ti­ties and become ined­i­ble quick­ly, they are often canned. Mack­er­el grow up to 45 cm long and can reach weights of up to 1 kg, but the aver­age size fish is around 30 cm in length and between 250 and 500 g in weight, the kind used in the Dela­maris’ prod­ucts. It reach­es sex­u­al matu­ri­ty in its third year and can live up to 20 years. The meat of this fish is tasty, dark in colour, and can be fat­ty. It can be bought fresh, frozen, smoked and canned.

We use the Adri­at­ic sar­dine, Sar­di­na pilchardus, a blue fish named after the Ital­ian island of Sar­dinia, where it was once found in great abun­dance, in our prod­ucts fea­tur­ing sar­dine for its spe­cial flavour. It can also be found in shoals in the Mediter­ranean Sea and Atlantic Ocean. In the win­ter, when it spawns, it with­draws to deep waters and comes close to the coast in the sum­mer. It has a slim, stream­lined body with quite large scales and upwards-jut­ting jaws. Its back is bluish-sil­ver and its sides and bel­ly white and sil­ver. When ful­ly- grown, it’s between 20 and 25 cm long. The sar­dine is clas­si­fied as a fat­ty fish, the autumn sar­dine being fat­ti­er and tasti­er, and its deli­cious meat makes it one of the most sought-after blue fish. It is most often caught at night when it comes close to the sur­face to feed on plank­ton­ic and oth­er larg­er organisms.

Tuna (Lat. Thun­nus spp.) is a large white fish liv­ing in trop­i­cal and sub-trop­i­cal seas all over the world. It has a strong and stream­lined body, which helps it swim fast. Its head is large and point­ed, its body dark blue on the upper side and grey­ish or sil­ver on the low­er half and towards the head. It feeds on oth­er fish, crab and squid. It is sen­si­tive to low oxy­gen con­cen­tra­tions and is there­fore found up to 250 metres below the sur­face. It can sur­vive in quite cold seas despite its high­er body tem­per­a­ture and breeds in the sum­mer. Tuna grow up to four metres long and can reach weights of up to 600 kilo­grams, but its aver­age weight is around twelve kilo­grams. Tuna is a high­ly esteemed fish so trade in it is big; approx­i­mate­ly 4 mil­lion tons are caught annu­al­ly, which is why it is one of the most endan­gered fish in the sea. As tuna grew in pop­u­lar­i­ty, sev­er­al ways devel­oped to catch it. Three years ago, the Inter­na­tion­al Com­mis­sion for the Con­ser­va­tion of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) decreed that tuna fish­ing is only allowed in the first half of the year.

Anchovy (Lat.Engraulis spp.) is a small­er fish, which ful­ly-grown can be between 15 and 20 cm in length. It has a slen­der, stream­lined body and jut­ting jaws. Its back is green-blue, its sides and bel­ly sil­ver, and has dark­er lon­gi­tu­di­nal stripe on its sides. Many types of anchovy can be found in abun­dance in the Mediter­ranean Sea, and Atlantic, Indi­an and the Pacif­ic Oceans, but they’re not waters that are too warm or too cold.

I only choose sus­tain­able mate­ri­als. What mate­r­i­al is Dela­maris cans made of?

Our metal­lic pack­ag­ing is made from alu­mini­um. In 2016, Dela­maris invest­ed in new pack­ag­ing tech­nol­o­gy to cre­ate mod­ern alu­mini­um pack­ag­ing that opens more eas­i­ly than tin­plate and is 100% recyclable.

Each tonne of recy­cled alu­mini­um pre­vents 9.5 tonnes of CO2 envi­ron­men­tal nui­sance because of the low amount of ener­gy used in its pro­duc­tion. The pro­duc­tion of 100% recy­cled alu­mini­um con­sumes 95% less ener­gy than the pro­duc­tion of alu­mini­um from new raw mate­ri­als; the rel­e­vant per­cent­age for steel pro­duc­tion is only 75%. Our her­met­i­cal­ly-sealed fish cans are ster­ilised to pro­tect con­tent by keep­ing it fresh and ster­ile. Metal­lic pack­ag­ing has been used to store and pro­tect food for more than 200 years. Our cans are coat­ed with a thin lay­er of alu­mini­um to pre­vent sub­stance trans­fer from pack­ag­ing to con­tent and pro­tect them from exter­nal impact; this BPA-free, no bisphe­nol A, coat­ing main­tains food qual­i­ty, pre­serv­ing vit­a­mins, nutri­ents and flavours, which is why we don’t add preservatives.

When chang­ing the pack­ag­ing from tin­plate to alu­mini­um, Dela­maris also ren­o­vat­ed its design to avoid sec­ondary pack­ag­ing for the major­i­ty of its prod­ucts, which deliv­ers addi­tion­al savings.

Is our fish cul­ti­vat­ed or caught? Where does it come from?

Dela­maris’ prod­ucts con­tain fish of the high­est qual­i­ty which lived freely in the select­ed fish­ing zones we utilise. Dela­maris’ main prod­uct ingre­di­ent is the Atlantic mack­er­el from the depths of the cool North Atlantic Sea’s FAO 27 fish­ing zone. Atlantic mack­er­el, Scomber scom­brus, is extreme­ly rich in omega‑3 fat­ty acids because of the extreme­ly cold sea it comes from. Its shape and flavour dif­fer­en­ti­ate it from its rel­a­tive the chub mack­er­el, Scomber japon­i­cus, which is some­times used as a sub­sti­tute.  Anchovy is one of the most pop­u­lar blue fish and Dela­maris’ Adri­at­ic anchovy tastes best.

What is the role of fish in a healthy diet?

Fish prod­ucts are an impor­tant source of pro­tein, omega‑3 fat­ty acids, and oth­er impor­tant vit­a­mins and min­er­als. Our fish prod­ucts are a rich source of vit­a­min D, which plays an impor­tant role in immune sys­tem main­te­nance, and omega‑6 and omega‑3 fat­ty acids, which are vital sub­stances our bod­ies unfor­tu­nate­ly don’t pro­duce, so we have to con­sume them as part of our food intake, and most omega‑3 fat­ty acids are found in blue fish, such as anchovy, mack­er­el and tuna. Research has shown that peo­ple who reg­u­lar­ly eat fish are less prone to car­diac dis­ease and fish is includ­ed in healthy diets. Dela­maris’ canned fish prod­ucts con­tain no addi­tives or gluten, which if ingest­ed ban lead to var­i­ous health prob­lems. The secret to Dela­maris’ tra­di­tion­al fish with veg­eta­bles is that its veg­eta­bles are pre­pared by means of our nat­ur­al, tra­di­tion­al fer­men­ta­tion procedure.

