Open­ing of the Dela­maris Muse­um Cor­ner in col­lab­o­ra­tion with the Kop­er Region­al Museum

29. October 2024

This year, Dela­maris cel­e­brates 145 years of tra­di­tion and 10 years of the new canned goods plant in Kal. For 15 years, Dela­maris has been part of the Piv­ka — Dela­maris Group, which has made sig­nif­i­cant invest­ments in brand devel­op­ment while main­tain­ing the rich tra­di­tion of its cen­tu­ry-and-a-half-long his­to­ry. To mark these anniver­saries, we have orga­nized a spe­cial exhi­bi­tion that takes vis­i­tors through the his­to­ry of our brand. The exhi­bi­tion high­lights impor­tant mile­stones and our com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty and innovation.

Exhibits and History

The exhi­bi­tion, made pos­si­ble by the Kop­er Region­al Muse­um, offers vis­i­tors insight into key ele­ments of our pro­duc­tion. Notable exhibits include a met­al shap­ing machine and a work­er’s chair, sym­bol­iz­ing the effort and inno­va­tion that have shaped our past.

The design table, part of the exhi­bi­tion, once served as a place where pack­ag­ing designs were cre­at­ed. In the past, every can had its unique design, while today the pack­ag­ing is stan­dard­ized, allow­ing eas­i­er recog­ni­tion on store shelves.

At the heart of it all is taste. We strive to pre­serve tra­di­tion­al recipes that have been passed down from gen­er­a­tion to gen­er­a­tion, giv­ing our fish prod­ucts their unique fla­vor and iden­ti­ty. The his­tor­i­cal cor­ner also fea­tures a vault, sym­bol­iz­ing the val­ue of our prod­uct recipes. Despite numer­ous attempts by oth­er com­pa­nies to dis­cov­er our unique com­bi­na­tions of fish and veg­eta­bles, Dela­maris fish spe­cial­ties remain incomparable.

We take pride in the fact that Dela­maris car­ries the wealth of sto­ries pre­served since 1879. We rec­og­nize that our tra­di­tion­al recipes are the foun­da­tion of our suc­cess, while we also work to devel­op new prod­ucts that reflect mod­ern trends and con­sumer needs.

Vision­ary Direction

Janez Rebec, Pres­i­dent of the Man­age­ment Board of  Piv­ka — Dela­maris Group, empha­sized at the open­ing the impor­tance of com­bin­ing tra­di­tion and inno­va­tion, as well as the com­mit­ment to sus­tain­able devel­op­ment, which is cru­cial for the future of the brand. With over 145 years of evolv­ing his­to­ry, Dela­maris remains a sym­bol of qual­i­ty and unique­ness in the world of canned fish. Our brand is rec­og­nized not only in Slove­nia but also in more than 28 for­eign mar­kets worldwide.


Spe­cial thanks go to Ivan Simčič, cura­tor, for his sup­port and con­tri­bu­tion to this exhi­bi­tion, which allows vis­i­tors to learn more about the rich his­to­ry and tra­di­tion of Delamaris.

For more about the begin­nings of the fish indus­try and oth­er inter­est­ing facts, you can read [here].

