We’re proud of our fish can’s rich history

Sloven­ian trade­marks are the prod­uct of the dili­gent hands of many gen­er­a­tions proud­ly cre­at­ing the future. Dela­maris is a col­lec­tion of sto­ries and flavours, and our knowl­edge and tra­di­tion of fish and fish prod­uct prepa­ra­tion since 1879 or even ear­li­er. Thanks to our unique, over one-hun­dred-and-fifty-year-old flavours, Dela­maris is now a nation­al spe­cial­i­ty and its qual­i­ty is renowned worldwide.

Source: Isti­tu­to Luce Cinecit­tà, Fish can pro­duc­tion in Izo­la in 1941:  https://youtu.be/D0rR1oZ8cdM

Fish can fac­to­ry with a rich tradition

For more than 140 years, our dili­gent hands have been prepar­ing mar­itime del­i­ca­cies to ener­gize gen­er­a­tions and we’re grate­ful for our fore­bear­ers’ patience, per­sis­tence and love through­out this peri­od to pre­pare the best del­i­ca­cies pos­si­ble. The food pro­cess­ing indus­try pro­vides jobs for many peo­ple and to keep doing so we main­tain the qual­i­ty and the tra­di­tion­al recipes they estab­lished and instilled when our coun­try was part of the Aus­tro-Hun­gar­i­an Empire

Glob­al­ly unique

Dela­maris, with its rich, tra­di­tion­al knowl­edge and mod­ern, envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly tech­nol­o­gy, enables us to taste the best the sea has to offer; and these tra­di­tion­al dish­es are an inte­gral part of Slovenia’s cul­tur­al iden­ti­ty. Dela­maris’ prod­ucts are appre­ci­at­ed in more than 23 of the strongest glob­al mar­kets besides Slove­nia, Aus­tria, Croa­t­ia and Bosnia and Herze­gov­ina, as empha­sised by Janez Rebec, Pres­i­dent of the Man­age­ment Board of Piv­ka perut­ni­narst­vo, when he said, “We are the only pro­duc­er main­ly focus­ing on a com­bi­na­tion of mack­er­el and veg­eta­bles. We are copied in envi­ron­ments near and far, but we still have lots of room for growth at home and abroad.”

Dela­maris has known how to pre­pare healthy, high-qual­i­ty fish prod­ucts since 1879. We swear by healthy and nat­ur­al ingre­di­ents so don’t add preser­v­a­tives to our prod­ucts. Our prod­ucts are pre­served by means of a ster­il­i­sa­tion process that destroys all harm­ful microor­gan­isms and extends shelf life and fresh­ness. “In our fam­i­ly, fish has always brought sum­mer, pres­tige and hol­i­days to our table,” say our gourmets and pas­sion­ate fish­er­men. Every­one in love with the sea trea­sures our prod­ucts with delight. The smell of fresh­ly baked fish with Mediter­ranean spices and olive oil, fur­ther refreshed with a slice of lemon, brings sum­mer har­mo­ny. Dela­maris fish goes per­fect­ly with bread, sal­ad, pas­ta and polen­ta. Our prod­ucts are con­ve­nient­ly packed and life‘s fast tem­po mustn’t be allowed to take away the oppor­tu­ni­ty to choose food that is full of flavour and strengthening.

Do you know how the first can was produced?

Peo­ple tried to make food more durable in antiq­ui­ty: they dried, smoked, pick­led and salt­ed meat and fish so they could be stored and trans­port­ed safe­ly. The French gov­ern­ment offered a reward to any­one who could find a solu­tion for trans­port­ing large quan­ti­ties of food to sol­diers in the front­lines and sailors on ships far away from home in 1808; Nicholas Appert Fran­cois, the cook and con­fec­tion­er, came for­ward and proved that food’s dura­bil­i­ty could be pro­longed if it was con­tained in air-tight con­tain­ers with hot water. Luis Pas­teur offered sci­en­tif­ic evi­dence of this process 50 years lat­er when he proved it destroyed harm­ful microor­gan­isms. The con­tain­ers were first made of glass, but the turn­ing point came in 1810 when Eng­lish­man Peter Durand patent­ed the tin con­tain­er which replaced glass ones. 

The first fac­to­ry for can­ning anchovies in oil was estab­lished in 1822 in Nantes, France. It is believed that the Sloven­ian fish indus­try began in Izo­la in 1879 at the same time our nation was born, some less­er sources claim that it start­ed in 1855 before spread­ing to Italy.

Today, canned fish is a nos­tal­gic gourmet dish. Read more about Slovenia’s rich fish­ing tra­di­tion in “When a fish can become a book hero­ine” at  https://www.rtvslo.si/radiokoper/zgodbe/ko-ribja-konzerva-postane-junakinja-knjige/539949.


Source: Bruno Volpi Lis­jak, Dela­maris 1879–1999, 120 god­i­na iz mora u konz­ervu, 1999.

Dela­maris main­ly focus­es on pro­duc­ing mack­er­el and veg­etable com­bi­na­tions. We are copied close to home and far away but still have a lot of room for growth domes­ti­cal­ly and globally.

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