Mil­len­ni­als pre­fer alter­na­tive snacks

Dela­maris mack­er­el has become extreme­ly pop­u­lar among young peo­ple, espe­cial­ly because of dietary char­ac­ter­is­tics cur­rent­ly gain­ing in impor­tance. Mil­len­ni­als increas­ing­ly pay atten­tion to find­ing tasty, sim­ple, healthy eat­ing solu­tions; they find healthy eat­ing espe­cial­ly impor­tant so are keen to find Sloven­ian prod­ucts with­out harm­ful addi­tives and preser­v­a­tives. More­over, gluten‑, soy- and lac­tose-free prod­ucts, and the like are also increas­ing­ly sought after to avoid unpleas­ant intol­er­ance symp­toms and aller­gic reac­tions. Dela­maris’ cans are free of such ele­ments. Dela­maris is one of the most well-estab­lished brands loved by fish enthu­si­asts globally.

Did you know? Atlantic Ocean FAO 27 is among the purest seas zones on Earth and is home to Scomber scom­brus, the Dela­maris mack­er­el has been prepar­ing prod­ucts with for over 140 years while strong­ly sup­port­ing sus­tain­able fish­ing and renew­ing its MSC certification.

How do we man­age to pack our prod­ucts with­out preservatives?

Cans pro­long the shelf life of food prod­ucts, vit­a­mins, nutri­ents and flavours, which is why there is no need for preser­v­a­tives in Dela­maris’ offer: our her­met­i­cal­ly-sealed cans are ster­ilised to pro­tect nutri­ents from exter­nal impact and keep them fresh. The nutri­tion­al val­ue of canned food doesn’t mate­ri­al­ly dif­fer from the nutri­tion­al val­ue of fresh food. All of our fish prod­ucts are gluten free and a nat­ur­al source of cal­ci­um and omega‑3 fat­ty acids. Our lomg tra­di­tion and expe­ri­ence as Slovenia’s sole fish pro­cess­ing com­pa­ny in a com­bi­na­tion with mod­ern, envi­ron­men­tal­ly friend­ly tech­nol­o­gy enable Dela­maris to offer entire­ly nat­ur­al prod­ucts with­out additives.

A healthy alter­na­tive to fast food

Dela­maris offers its pre­cious tra­di­tion­al recipes and devel­op­ing new ones. As a result of cul­tur­al shifts and their increas­ing short­age of time, con­sumers con­stant­ly reach for fast food to quick­ly sat­is­fy hunger, but new trends empha­sise that our diets should be healthy. In this respect, Dela­maris fish prod­ucts are the ide­al, ver­sa­tile, healthy solu­tion for snacks any­place and any­time: they are excel­lent ingre­di­ents for quick­ly pre­pared meals. Our more-than-fifty shades of fish del­i­ca­cies are not only eat­en direct­ly from cans, they are also increas­ing­ly used as key ingre­di­ents in a vast num­ber of culi­nary com­bi­na­tions. Our wide range of offers mack­er­el fil­lets in toma­to sauce with var­i­ous fer­ment­ed veg­eta­bles and fish in sun­flower or Mediter­ranean oil enriched with the flavour of truf­fles or lemon. We recent­ly launched our new Sloven­ian devel­oped and pro­duced Tuna Steak in Olive Oil, con­tain­ing yel­low fin tuna, Thunnes Albacares, which is appre­ci­at­ed for its sen­sor func­tions. All Dela­maris’ fish prod­ucts can be enjoyed as indi­vid­ual main cours­es or as an addi­tion to oth­er dish­es in the form of sauce, dress­ing, stuff­ing or side dish. They are excel­lent with pas­ta, polen­ta and cous­cous any­where, any­time; it’s con­ve­nient to use and you can always have it with you.

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