Five rea­sons to choose mackerel

We know fish is an impor­tant source of good fat and that it’s rec­om­mend­ed to reg­u­lar­ly include them in diets. Nutri­tion­ists rec­om­mend eat­ing qual­i­ty fish at least once a week. 

Because of all of the ben­e­fits eat­ing fish bestows on the body, nutri­tion­ists encour­age us is con­sume it as much as pos­si­ble. You don’t need to become a fish­er­man or go to the fish mar­ket to get good fish on your plate because Dela­maris is here for you. You can eas­i­ly enjoy pre­mi­um pieces of mack­er­el in a time­ly fashion.

An already pre­pared dish that can be a great addi­tion to oth­er dishes

Dela­maris’ more-than-a-cen­tu­ry-old mack­er­el recipes are per­fect­ed to the point that our wide range of mack­er­el with veg­etable prod­ucts are deli­cious, per­fect, stand-alone meals. Our selec­tion is wide and includes the most well-recog­nised Izo­la brands, Week­end and Pic­nic, which con­tain select­ed pieces of mack­er­el, toma­to sauce and fer­ment­ed veg­eta­bles. Some peo­ple love the juicy Proven­cale, oth­ers the spicy Pikant. You can choose Medit­er­ana Mack­er­el with Olives, Gar­den Mack­er­el with Corn and Beans, or Ori­ent Mack­er­el with Chick­peas. Our wide range of tastes also includes mack­er­el fil­lets with­out veg­eta­bles in sun­flower or Mediter­ranean oil, and some are enriched with the aro­ma of truf­fles or lemon. All of our mack­er­el prod­ucts can be enjoyed as inde­pen­dent main cours­es or with pas­ta, cous­cous, polen­ta and much more!

Five rea­sons to choose Dela­maris mack­er­el:


An increas­ing num­ber of peo­ple eat gluten-free. All Dela­maris fish prod­ucts are gluten-free and a nat­ur­al source of cal­ci­um and omega‑3 fat­ty acids.


Dela­maris’ 140 years of tra­di­tion and expe­ri­ence in com­bi­na­tion with mod­ern, envi­ron­men­tal­ly-friend­ly tech­nol­o­gy enables us to offer entire­ly nat­ur­al prod­ucts with­out preser­v­a­tives, just as we did in the past. Her­met­ic pack­ag­ing and ster­il­iza­tion ensure our prod­ucts’ long shelf life


Dela­maris is com­mit­ted to always being a provider of healthy, high-qual­i­ty, nat­ur­al fish prod­ucts con­tain­ing only the best raw ingre­di­ents. No additives!


Fish is a source of vit­a­min D and omega‑3 fat­ty acids. Atlantic mack­er­el, Scomber scom­brus, is espe­cial­ly rich in omega‑3 fat­ty acids and the main ingre­di­ent of Dela­maris’ prod­ucts. Its shape and flavour dif­fer­en­ti­ate it from its rel­a­tive the chub mack­er­el, Scomber japon­i­cas, which is some­times used as a sub­sti­tute. Our Mack­er­el comes from the North Atlantic’s FAO 27 fish­ing zone, one of the purest zones of the sea.


What could be more con­ve­nient than good qual­i­ty, eas­i­ly-accessed canned fish for a ready snack? You don’t need a fridge, which is why you can take it with you to the moun­tains, office and sea­side. It’s a great snack for foot­ball match half-time, as an appe­tiz­er before late lunch, or dur­ing a dif­fi­cult day at work.

Are you look­ing for more than 5 reasons?

It only takes one bite. Get your Dela­maris mack­er­el with vegetables!

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