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Delamaris and I

What kinds of fish swim in Dela­maris’ cans?

Mack­er­el (Lat. Scomber spp.), used for prod­ucts that com­bine fish and veg­eta­bles, in fil­let form or in our Tourist pâté, is a blue fish caught all over the world. It ...

We’re proud of our fish can’s rich history

Sloven­ian trade­marks are the prod­uct of the dili­gent hands of many gen­er­a­tions proud­ly cre­at­ing the future. Dela­maris is a col­lec­tion of sto­ries and flavours, and our knowl­edge and tra­di­tion of ...

Fish is a source of vit­a­min D

Deli­cious fish prod­ucts with veg­eta­bles or in oil and fish pâtés are pop­u­lar ingre­di­ents in cui­sine no mat­ter the time of the day and recog­nised for their ben­e­fi­cial effect on ...

Five rea­sons to choose mackerel

We know fish is an impor­tant source of good fat and that it’s rec­om­mend­ed to reg­u­lar­ly include them in diets. Nutri­tion­ists rec­om­mend eat­ing qual­i­ty fish at least once a week.  Because ...

Mil­len­ni­als pre­fer alter­na­tive snacks

Dela­maris mack­er­el has become extreme­ly pop­u­lar among young peo­ple, espe­cial­ly because of dietary char­ac­ter­is­tics cur­rent­ly gain­ing in impor­tance. Mil­len­ni­als increas­ing­ly pay atten­tion to find­ing tasty, sim­ple, healthy eat­ing solu­tions; they ...

Dela­maris fish in 100% recy­clable packaging

Cans are becom­ing increas­ing­ly pop­u­lar because they ensure good pro­tec­tion from mechan­i­cal impact, and are water, gas and microor­gan­ism resistant. Pack­ag­ing structure Met­al pack­ag­ing has been pre­serv­ing and pro­tect­ing food ...

